Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hair Masking Great Way To Select Hairy Object

Have you ever fallen in a problem of selecting the hair of a photo in photoshop? Yes, its much finer than other selecting tools like clipping path, clear path and other. But most recent software Adobe Photoshop able to select the hair, flying birds, smoke, water and any consist object from the rest of the picture.

Hair masking is a technique of masking out a blurry object of a photo with the masking tools in photoshop. Actually Photoshop offers some innovative tools to reedit your image for use only. One of the most important tools like Hair masking you can find the soft edge of the most unclear object like smoke, water drop, feather, hair and many other objects.

Hair masking is a time consuming task and deals to concentration also. It's also a great technique to select objects from the image.

Hair masks not an easy task all time. At first you have to choose the alpha channel mask what layer is most contact with your image color from RGB, Red, Green and Blue. After choosing the best contrast alpha channel mask you have to go the layer panel and duplicate your image for protecting any harm. Let start to mask the object that you want most. Not enough! To heir mask you should take some productivesteps like clipping path, erasing so on.

If you want to learn about heir masking with details you can read my other post here. You also get hair masking service from us for your image processing. We offer great hair masking service  with a low cost. We have a team of graphic design who are the most skilled with this work and experienced with several years working in the many live projects. They also always ready to give their effort to complete all your tasks and able to satisfy you more. Since it is an extra pain for you find a company who serve you at most affordable price we can reduce your pain. 

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